Better decision-making. Faster performance.
Easier than ever.
Try Minitab CART Free
Try our Classification and Regression Trees (CART®) software and see why Fortune 100 companies choose Minitab to solve their process, operational and business challenges.

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Powerful Features Make Decision-Making Easier
In addition to CART, Minitab® Statistical Software offers a comprehensive set of statistical methods and data visualization options that empower you to make informed decisions that lead to better business outcomes.

Unlock a better, more robust analytics toolkit that will expand your decision-making capabilities, proactively improve your process to achieve better results and avoid costly mistakes with the addition of our predictive analytics tool Classification and Regression Trees (CART). One of the most popular and useful prediction tools, CART is now available in a fast, easy-to-use format within Minitab so you don't need to be a data scientist to use it.

Assess accuracy of Regression models fast with validation. Effortlessly resample or partition your data into test and training sets with speed, then evaluate your model prediction accuracy faster than ever.

Unite Python scripts with your Minitab data and analysis easily within Minitab Statistical Software thanks to open-source integration. Capitalize on the ability to expand and further explore your analytical possibilities in the interface or with a macro. Collaborate with data scientists to solve even more problems, all easier with Minitab.
One thing all of our clients share: Their commitment to excellence.Our goal: To help them achieve it.

CART Decision Trees in Minitab Statistical Software Deliver Powerful Visualizations for Data-Driven Decision Making
CART is a robust decision-tree tool for data mining, predictive modeling and data preprocessing. CART automatically searches for important patterns and relationships, uncovering hidden structure even in highly complex data. CART uses an intuitive interface, making it accessible to both technical and non-technical users.
Effective Tree-Growing Methodology
CART introduced several new methods for growing trees, including Gini and Twoing. To cover a broad variety of problems, CART also includes special provisions for handling ordered categorical data and the growing of probability trees.
Powerful Binary-Split Search Approach
CART trees deliberately restrict themselves to two-way splits of the data, intentionally avoiding
the multi-way splits common in other methods. These binary decision trees divide the data into
small segments at a slower rate than multi-way splits and thus detect more structure before too
few data are left for analysis. Decision trees that use multi-way splits fragment the data rapidly,
making it difficult to detect patterns that are visible only across broader ranges of data values
Effective Pruning Strategy
CART's developers determined definitively that no stopping rule could be relied on to discover the optimal tree. They introduced the notion of over-growing trees and then pruning back; this idea, fundamental to CART, ensures that important structure is not overlooked by stopping too soon. Other decision-tree techniques use problematic stopping rules that can miss important patterns.
Automatic Self-Test Procedures
When searching for patterns in data it is essential to avoid the trap of "overfitting", that is, of finding patterns that apply only to the training data. CART's embedded test disciplines ensure that the patterns found will hold up when applied to new data. Further, the testing and selection of the optimal tree are an integral part of the CART algorithm. In other decision-tree techniques, testing is conducted only optionally and after the fact and tree selection is based entirely on training data computations.
Alternative Splitting Criteria
For single-variable splitting criteria, CART includes Gini, Twoing, Entropy and Class Probability for classification trees, and Least Squares and Least Absolute Deviation for regression trees. The default Gini method frequently performs best, but by no means is Gini the only method to consider in your analysis. In some circumstances the Twoing method will generate more intuitive trees.
Business & Predictive Analytics Powered by the Original CART Modeling Engine
Minitab's CART software is the only decision tree software embodying the original proprietary code introduced in 1984 by world-renowned statisticians at Stanford University and the University of California at Berkeley. Sign up for a free trial of Minitab Statistical Software to learn more about CART and try it yourself.