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What's New in Minitab 19

在线研讨会:Minitab 19新增功能介绍

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PRESENTER OVERVIEW 演讲嘉宾Ming Dong - Minitab Technical Training Specialist | 董鸣强 - Minitab 技术及业务开发经理

Ming Dong 2-1

Ming Dong

Ming Dong 董鸣强 Bio + About Ming Dong 董鸣强 -

Ming Dong is one of only a handful of practitioners across the Asia Pacific Region to be a certified trainer for Minitab’s flagship product, Minitab Statistical Software. The training certification process is the culmination of years of statistical training with real-life application of data analysis in the industry. Ming’s formal qualifications include an undergraduate degree in Industrial Engineering Management, a Masters of Computer Science from the University of New South Wales, and a Masters of Applied Statistics from Macquarie University. Ming has a unique and profound understanding of the application of statistics in the business world.In addition, Ming has broad business development experience, developed through his work in senior technical roles for large organisations such as Toshiba, OzEmail and National Computing Systems Singapore. As a university research officer at Macquarie University, he had several papers published in the field of Bioinformatics. 董鸣强是整个亚太地区少数从业者中获指定为Minitab的旗舰产品、Minitab统计软件的其中一位认证培训师。要想通过该培训师认证,候选人需要具备在该行业多年的统计培训经验以及数据分析的实际应用经验。Ming把其积累的丰富行业经验应用于培训课程上。他曾任澳大利亚麦考瑞大学的统计研究员,东芝集团、澳伊媚(OzEmail)互联网服务公司和新加坡国家电脑系统公司(NCS)的软件工程师兼项目协调人。他曾发表数篇生物信息学统计研究论文,并分别获得新南威尔士大学计算机科学硕士学位和麦考瑞大学应用统计学硕士学位。

Download Minitab 19 now | 马上下载Minitab 19

Run your Statistical Analysis with Minitab Statistical Software
使用Minitab Statistical Software进行统计分析

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