With Minitab Statistical Software and
Minitab Workspace.

Describe, interpret and analyze your data, better.
It’s no secret that businesses today use data to discover valuable insights that impact our products, processes and business operations. Minitab Statistical Software looks at data to find trends, predict patterns, and identify baseline metrics and opportunities to impact performance. The most successful businesses take their data analysis a step further.
The most successful businesses can effectively answer: Why this analysis? Why this data? Why this trend?
Is your organization using the right data to make your decisions? Are you able to articulate the processes that produce the data you're analyzing? Minitab Workspace provides the visual tools to give context and ensure you make the most of your data analysis. See in our examples below how Minitab Statistical Software and Minitab Workspace create a complementary tool set to help you discover, predict and achieve your path to success.

Finding How to Reduce Costs and Increase Quality in a Forging Process in 1 Project File
No one could argue steel is not strong and reliable. It is a go-to material for crafting a long-lasting and durable product. But when your product is made of such strong material, you are going to need even stronger tools to make the product itself, not to mention a strong grasp on your data and the insights you can rely on when machines will need to be repaired or replaced.
Let's consider a forging company — we'll call them Silver Dam International — where Bill, a process engineer, is studying the performance of a forging die and fixture in order to both...
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Electronics Maker Uses Monte Carlo Simulation to Find Better Specs for Suppliers and Realize Significant Cost Savings
Testing potential improvements can get complicated when you're working with multiple suppliers in different steps of a process, but conducting experiments in Minitab Statistical Software to determine significant inputs and then importing your model into a Minitab Workspace Monte Carlo Simulation can help shed some light on the results you'd see. Plus, it's faster and cheaper than running more tests on real parts.
Consider the case of Spaceman Electronics (as with all our use cases, this is based on real-life situations we have seen in the field, but Spaceman is a fictional company). To make a part for one of their products, one supplier makes the core and another coats it. Then it comes to them to assemble the finished product.
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- Lorem Ipsum consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec interdum ac risus cursus tincidunt. Morbi vulputate varius auctor.
- Lorem Ipsum consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec interdum ac risus cursus tincidunt. Morbi vulputate varius auctor.

Bringing Voice of the Customer, a Kano Model and Data Analysis Together to Design Medical Devices in Accelerated Timeframes
It's no secret recent worldwide events have pushed us all to become more agile in our operations and respond to changes in new ways. Medical device manufacturers have come into the spotlight and are especially vital.
Let’s look at a product development team from a medical device manufacturer to see how they can bring clinical-grade personal protection equipment to market in new ways and faster than before.
The team is asked to design, test and manufacture clinical-grade respirators with a total production cost of under $15 per unit within the next 12 weeks.
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- Lorem Ipsum consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec interdum ac risus cursus tincidunt. Morbi vulputate varius auctor.
- Lorem Ipsum consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec interdum ac risus cursus tincidunt. Morbi vulputate varius auctor.

Powerful statistical software everyone can use.

Integrate and transform data for analysis, reporting and monitoring.

Machine learning and predictive analytics software.

Self-guided learning paths, resources and access to training all in one place.

Visual tools to ensure process and product excellence.

Tools and reporting to ensureprocess and product excellence.